Homemade Coconut Milk Leave in Spray on Conditioner

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Coconut milk is packed with loads of proteins and vitamins which makes it an excellent beauty product. It adds strength and elasticity to weak, brittle and damaged hair, and promotes longer hair by helping reduce everyday damage.
Coconut milk not only treats dry, frizzy hair but also deep conditions, moisturizes and strengthens your hair to help prevent and treat hair fall.
Coconut Milk after shower Conditioner
After shower, add a drop of coconut milk to your palm and apply it to the strands of your hair.
If you have very fine hair then use it just at the ends of your hair to keep it split end free and looking  healthy.
If you don’t have coconut milk then try this homemade hair spray using coconut oil >>
Coconut Milk Leave in Conditioner Spray
  • 1/2 cup Coconut Milk
  • 1 cup distilled water
  • 1tsp of vitamin E oil (optional)
  • Few drops of lavender oil or any other essential oil
Mix it all in a spray bottle and mist it all over your hair.
The homemade all natural leave in conditioner will not only keep your hair soft, shiny and moisturized but will also treat any hair problems naturally.